Dental Sedation options IN MAPLE GROVE, mn

How can my anxious child get the dental care they need?

Unfortunately, not all children have positive memories of the dentist. Some children may be more sensitive or find it difficult to sit still during treatment. But there are solutions that can make receiving dental care more comfortable for them. Sedation options are an effective way to give your child the dental care they need without the discomfort or anxiety that may come with their cleanings or restorative care. There's no reason that dental treatment should be painful. And all it takes for your child to get started with pediatric sedation dentistry is a simple conversation with their pediatric dentist in Maple Grove.

pediatric sedation dentist

Did you know…

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Laughing gas is safe, effective, and has been used in dentistry since the late 19th century.

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What to expect at your child’s sedation consultation in Maple Grove

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Treatment Review

Your pediatric sedation dentist will review their treatment plan to determine if sedation is a good option for their procedure. Sometimes sedation may be recommended, or necessary, for more invasive or lengthy dental procedures. But there are options that are better for relieving tension and anxiety so your child can remain comfortable during treatment.

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Health Evaluation

The dentist will then discuss with you your child's health history and current overall health to determine if sedation is appropriate for them. Certain health issues may affect how your child responds to sedation, so it's important to have a comprehensive view of their physical health before we agree upon sedation.

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Recommendations & Options

With the information your child's dentist has collected, they will lay out all available sedation options and discuss with you each one's effects and instructions. We offer mild sedation, moderate sedation, and deep sedation. With their recommendation and your input, we can help you choose the right option for your child and their procedure.

Did you know…

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Sedation options keep restless children calm while receiving dental treatment.

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Have questions about sedation options for your child? Find answers here.

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What is sedation used for in dentistry?

Sedation is most often used to treat dental anxiety and keep children at ease during their treatment. Fear of the pediatric dentist is very common, and sedation can keep your child calm during their appointments.

Additionally, sedation helps with pain and discomfort during more invasive procedures, such as tooth extractions. It also helps young patients feel more comfortable if they need to sit still for longer treatment times.

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Is sedation dentistry right for my child? 

As long as your child is healthy and is not taking any medications that may interfere with the sedation, your child should be a good candidate for sedation dentistry. Contact us to learn more about sedation options for your child. We can discuss any concerns you may have during a consultation.

What does sedation dentistry feel like for my child?

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This depends on the method of sedation. With laughing gas, your child will feel light-headed, giggly, and relaxed, but will be fully conscious and aware of their surroundings. They will also feel less discomfort during treatment.

Oral conscious sedation and IV sedation will usually make patients feel groggy or sleepy. Your child will likely fall asleep, and probably won't remember much about the procedure. However, they will not be unconscious, and can still be woken and respond to commands.

General anesthesia is the deepest level of sedation. Your child will be completely unconscious and will not feel anything or remember anything from the procedure.

Is sedation dentistry safe for toddlers?

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When done correctly, sedation dentistry for children, even toddlers, is completely safe. Several precautions are taken to ensure a seamless experience. First, we'll take a detailed health history to make sure we recommend the right sedation option.

We'll then discuss options with the parent or guardian so that you understand the effects and are prepared to care for your child after their procedure. All methods of sedation dentistry are provided by professionals at our office so you can rest assured that your child's well-being is of the utmost importance.

Did you know…

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16% of school age children have a fear of the dentist.

Is your child ready for their dental appointment?

Call (763) 390-8575 to schedule a consultation

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